Daf Yomi Advancement Forum
Daily Cheshbon Hanefesh Tracker Check In My Trackers Results


Welcome to Cheshbon Hanefesh Tracker

In Chapter 3 of the "Path of the Just" by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzatto zt'l:
"Behold, for he who wants to watch over himself, two are the things he needs to look into... If he finds in them of the evil sort, he should then contemplate and investigate, reasoning out a strategy to use in order to turn away from that evil and cleanse himself of it... I see a need for a man to be meticulous and weigh his ways each and every day like the great merchants who continuously evaluate all of their business matters in order that they not spoil. He should fix definite times and hours for this so that his weighing not be transient but rather with the greatest regularity for it yields great results."
This site allows one to layout his "strategies" and "resolutions" in a clear, organized manner and also enforce them with fines or the like. It is recommended to check-in periodically to track progress or when a resolution is transgressed. This site is especially useful for controlling internet use.
  • Specify Resolutions to Track. Can filter by day of the week.
  • Track by either integer, float, time, yes/no, or user-defined values
  • Check In to log progress.
  • Optional Fine System for Enforcement
  • Graph of Results/Export Data
  • Optional Daily Email reminder of Resolutions
  • Screenshots
Please report any bugs/issues/suggestions using the contact link below. Enjoy!



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